The Science of Change - British Science Week 2025 Teaching Resource
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Product Details – Extraordinary Maths – Family Maths
Family Maths is a set of challenges based around the rooms in a house. There are seven challenges for each age range: Living Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Hall and Garden. All come complete with worksheets – and answer sheets! This resource offers the whole family opportunities to explore ways in which we use maths all the time, without ever really thinking about it – and demonstrating just how easy it is to use almost any family activity as a springboard for a quick maths challenge!
Who is it for?
These activities are ideal for children to complete at home with their parents and carers, or as part of an in-school Family Maths event. You will find resources here for four different age ranges: Age 4 – 5… Age 6-7… Age 8 – 9… and Age 10 – 11.
What is included?
All of the resources have been designed in line with curriculum requirements, differentiated for four age bands. The package includes an opening film to introduce the activity and a set of seven printable challenge packs for each age band: Age 4 – 5… Age 6-7… Age 8 – 9… and Age 10 – 11.
How does it work?
Once you have purchased the package you and your colleagues will have access to the whole bank of Family Maths resources to use how and when you please. Class teachers can use the structure we have suggested, or work to one of their own. Of course, you don’t have to use the resources as part of a whole-school event. You may want to offer the experience to one key stage, one year group, or even just one class.
Family Maths Bundle Offer
Get Family Maths for just £10 when you buy one of our Maths packs including; Race into Space, Riddle of the Sphinx, The Benefactor or Times Tables Trattoria. All you need to do is put both items in your basket and the discount will be applied!